Light it Up

Saturday, December 1, 2012

LME 501 Facilities Evaluation Assignment

Description of facility: (enter text in next cell)
The school wide computer lab is made up of 32 Mac desktop computers. It is run by a full time certified employ who teaches 17 homeroom classes a week as well as daily Lexia time each day for Tier 3 reading students. The computer lab tech also has time throughout the day built into her schedule to run to classrooms to fix student and teacher technology issues. Unfortunately a lot of this time is taken up by covering the office workers lunch and entering attendance.
ADA Considerations.
The computer lab has a wheelchair ramp to allow easy access into the lab. All tables are at the proper height to allow a wheelchair under with ease. Out of the 32 computers, 3 have voice output programs, raised button keyboards and large screens.

Air Quality.
The computer lab sits in on of the original classrooms located in the basement of a school that was built in 1875.
Climate Control.
There is a digital thermostat in the computer lab that is programmed to cool down when school is over. Users may override the programmed control of the temperature but it interrupts the cycle.  
Electrical Design.
 There are power strips located on two of the four walls of the computer lab and from the middle of the classroom in order to run all 32 computers.

Computer Data Network.
The building backbone is located in the speech classroom next door to the computer lab.
Equipment Closet
Large metal cabinet located behind the classroom door.
Media Retrieval System / Television Distribution
The television/cable is controlled on an online server through the county and sent out via a digital signal on all teachers computers.  
The school wide telephone system is housed in a separate box along with the computer network.  
Security System.

Standard drop down ceiling system 
There are six large windows along one wall of the computer lab. Each of the windows have a pull in section that opens into the room.   
Cinder Block Walls 
The walls are butter yellow with brown tables and blue plastic chairs.  
Floor Coverings.  
The computer lab is all smooth laminate flooring except for the wooden accessibility ramp.
Intercom Speaker(s).
There is one intercom speaker in the computer lab that is set to "loud" that is used by the office for announcements.  
Natural lighting = 6 large windows
Electric = 8 large fluorescent fixtures 
Noise Factors (Acoustics/ Soundproofing).
There is no soundproofing materials in the computer lab. The speech room next door, and the lunch room across the hall can all be heard within the computer lab.

Technology Classroom

 Restrooms are located 20-25 feet away from the computer lab but easily accessible by a ramp out of the computer lab and a ramp up to the restroom.
Safety & Security.
Students can exit the computer lab and the building in case of an emergency quickly as the lab is on the ground floor.  
Room Layout.
The room lay out allows for optimum student flow and accessibility to the computers.  
Lines of Sight Supervision
 Students are supervised at all times.
Entrance / Exit.
 There is one door for entering and exiting this computer lab.
Traffic Flow
 Flow into the computer lab is through the one entrance\exit.

There are 9 - 6ft tables and 2 kidney shaped tables that are placed into a circle. There is a computer desk that holds the computer lab aids computer and supplies. Each student seat is a blue plastic chair sitting at between 25-26 inches tall.  
Older students are sitting at eye level with the text when typing or using the computer in the lab. The tables and chairs are no adjustable; all ages use the same tables and chairs when in the lab.  

Distance Learning Classroom
Multimedia Production / Television Studio

Office Space
Equipment Storage / Workroom
Media Materials Storage
All media materials needed for the computer lab or for other computers throughout the building are stored in a metal two door cabinet.

Expansion / Growth.
Use Hand sanitizer upon entrance.
Use assigned computer each time. 
Raise your hand to leave your seat.
Follow directions at all times.  
Software inventory and Copyright Compliance
A technology and software inventory is completed once a year.
Equal Access, Internet Use
All students are required to sign an Internet usage form and this is kept on file in the computer lab.
Password, security, privacy
All student passwords for computer programs, online or program based, are kept in a folder organized by homeroom teacher.  
Data Backup
 All data programs in the computer lab are backed up online or on the technology aids computer. The LMS and Technology Aid's newest project is to start using a wiki server for data backup.

Software Audit
29 of the computers in the computer lab do not have enough memory left so some programs run a little slow.  
Internet Filter
Students have limited access to YouTube in the computer lab. Students are not allowed on Facebook and\or Myspace. There is a list of "allowed" websites for students to play on during free time in the lab.  

Recommendations for Change
In a perfect world where money is no object, our current computer lab would recieve a major face lift. All desk top computers would be Mac Book Pro's with wireless keyboards and mice. The laptops would be placed on moveable tables\desks in which teachers and students could manipulate them into small group seating areas or could put them into rows for easy teacher supervision and ideal ergonomics.

But since we do not live in a perfect world, the first recommendation made is for the computer lab to be moved into a larger room. This would allow for a better flow into the lab. As well as better ventilation of computers and the fans in which are used to keep them from over heating. This would also help in teacher supervision as currently the teacher must stand up and continually circulate the lab in order to ensure that all students are on task. 

Another recommendation for change would be the furniture. Older students are not affected by the current furniture in the lab, but since we house pre-k through 6th grade, the smaller students do not sit at eye level with the monitors and some have to strain to reach the mouse and keyboard. By purchasing new furniture, student would be able to adjust their seat and\or table height to help ensure that all are at proper ergonomics.  
The last recommendation is to loosen the Internet filter for intermediate students. Currently when in the computer lab intermediate students are required to complete FastMath (math facts program) and then move to Orchard (another math skill program). Fifth grade is also required to do a typing program in the lab as typing is now common core in Language Arts. If students do finish required activities, they are then allowed to get on approved sites posted around the room. The problem is that these sites are not geared towards intermediate students. Now I know that this is not something county wide, but preferred by our building administration. I however prefer that students be allowed to do other projects and assignments involving technology in this required time. In my opinion this would be a great time for students to show their creativity and learning through collaboration projects; videos, blogs, webquests, the options are endless.
Learning Commons
Learning Commons is a practice put into place in schools in which the classroom walls are expanded and opened up in various ways. Teachers shift from direct instruction to guide or mentor in a learning commons school setting. The school is built in such a way that students are able to work on their independent level in all subjects with various rooms for small groups but allows for the teacher to still see what is occurring

In order for our school to become a learning commons school, there would have to be major construction as the core of our building is over 140 years old. The library media center is not nearly that old, as it was added in the early 70's so it could have its furniture moved around to make it more like a learning commons school. 

Our computer lab is not connected to the LMC as it is located in a classroom in the basement of the original building. The computer lab could be set up in a learning commons style as well with the purchase of new furniture and updated technology as moving away from desk top computers to lap tops and other wireless devices would make it easier to work in collaborative groups. 

 Creative age elementary school by fni [Web]. (2011). Retrieved from 

Erikson, R., & Markuson, C. (2007). Designing a school library media center for the future.
              (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: American Library Association.

Morris, B. (2012). Administering the school library media center. (5th ed., pp. 198-233).   
              Santa Barbara, California: Libraries Unlimited.
Picciano, A. (2011). Education leadership and planning for technology
              (5th ed., pp.    229-246). Boston: Pearson.

Sinclair, B. (2007). Commons 2.0 library spaces designed for collaborative learning.  
             Educause Quarterly, 4, 4-6.  

Science Chant

This is a song that students learned to help them remember the differences in protons, electrons and neutrons. Such a cute, cute chant\song!

Leader in Me Chant

2012-2013 5th Grade Homeroom Preforms The Leader in Me Chant.

Monday, July 9, 2012

New Classroom Layout

Here are a few pictures from the work I've put into my classroom.

Classroom Library
All books are labels by level and AR points

Back Corner - storage cabinets and student mailboxes
Mountain Math and Mountain Language boards with student cubbies below

Student computer stations and side view of class library
Teachers Area before table skirts are added

 A few more things here and there and my 5th grade classroom will be finished! I can't wait to start my 6th year of teaching!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Engaging Research - 20 Minute Brain Break

During the summer I am usually obsessed about deep cleaning, organizing and working on homework. This summer however I am finished with deep cleaning and organizing and have completed my masters degree so I have no homework. Instead I've been a reading machine. I'm up to date on Karen Kingsbury books (my fav author), the Women's Murder Mystery Club and another series that will remain unnamed.

So I thought I'd start researching engaging and brain boosting techniques that are easy to manage and implement, as well as free. I found this great website full of "brain break" tips! Most of the activities take 3 minutes or less and are fun!